
Streams provide a low-latency, high-throughput way to gain valuable data insights. With Proxima, you can put blockchain data to use by consuming streams and operating on them in your own hosted solution. This means no more relying on 3rd party stream operators to populate your database, train your bots, or manage your wallet.

Why streams?

The data in the form of streams allows you to:

  • Get the latest blockchain updates as soon as possible

  • Subscribe to a particular kind of events and get notified when they happen

  • Process on-chain events in the order they occurred and not care about sequential inconsistencies

Usage scenarios

  • Subscribe to live updates coming from the network in real-time.

  • Consume all historical events from the beginning.

  • Start consuming from a given timestamp or from the point you stopped last time.

  • Coming soon: subscribe to multiple streams simultaneously and process events in the order they happened on the chain gracefully handling reorgs.

Last updated