Decentralized exchanges

APIs providing information about decentralized exchanges (DEX) running on the blockchain, like Uniswap, Quickswap, etc.

  • /dexes — gets a list of all supported DEX services.

  • /dexes/{dexId} — returns the details of a given DEX.

  • /dexes/{dexId}/pools — lists all existing pools of a given DEX.

  • /dexes/{dexId}/pools/{poolId} — returns current information about a given pool.

  • /dexes/{dexId}/pools/{poolId}/events — lists events (swap, mint, burn, etc) happening in a given pool.

  • /dexes/{dexId}/pools/-/events — lists all events of a given DEX.

More information can be found in Swagger documentation.

Last updated